Privacy policy

This privacy statement describes the processing of personal data by Aino Tapahtumat Oy for all the data in which we are the data controller.


Aino Tapahtumat Oy
Business ID: 3309182-6

Maamiehenkatu 14
04400 Järvenpää

Data Protection Officer
Katri Siltala
Tel. +358 40 528 1031

Collecting data

What data we process about you always depends on your relationship with us. You are usually an employee, job seeker, customer or belong to our marketing list. You can belong to one or more of these groups at the same time. You can find additional information related to the processing of personal data under the relevant role:

Information related to job applications and recruitment such as name, address, other contact information, date of birth, resume information, salary request, information related to interviews and tests, any other information provided by the job seeker himself, and information related to the processing of the application and the situation.

The information is collected from you yourself. We can contact the recommenders, educational institutions or previous employers presented in the application to ensure the accuracy of the information you provide.

In addition to employment contracts, the operation involves statutory obligations, based on which we process personal data. Examples of these obligations are set by e.g., labor legislation, the law on the organization of occupational health care, the annual leave law and legislation concerning the private security sector.

The basis for data collection is the conclusion of a possible employment relationship. If an employment contract is not concluded, we will basically keep the data for half a year or, possibly with your permission, for as long as your consent to fill future jobs. Personal data related to certain choices can be stored for two years.

The information related to identification and contact is at least your e-mail address and name. In addition, we may have your address, phone number, your company information, your job description or job description, and other information you may have provided to us. In connection with larger orders, we can ask consumer customers for a personal identification number, if you want to be an invoicing customer.

This information is required to ensure creditworthiness and the source of the information is, as a rule, Suomen Asiakastieto.

The information is mainly collected directly from you in a customer service situation, or you can provide it yourself via a chat, online form, or email.

Information is also collected from public sources, such as company websites and company registers. For example, YTJ’s and PRH’s registers are used to collect information to verify the signature right of the signatory of the contract.

This information is used to communicate either to provide or produce services for our customers. The basis for data processing is therefore always either the contract or activities directly related to the preparation of the contract.

In addition to contracts, the operation is accompanied by statutory obligations, based on which personal data is processed. Examples of these obligations are e.g., accounting legislation and legislation concerning the private security sector.

Personal data is stored for the duration of the contractual relationship and for two years after the end of the contract to process possible complaints or correction requests, unless otherwise required by law, such as the Accounting Act.

The information related to identification and contact is at least your e-mail address and name. In addition, we may have your address, phone number, your company information, your job description or job description, and other information you may have provided to us.

The information is collected either from you yourself or from public sources. We collect information from you, for example, through a conversation, online form, or e-mail.

Public sources are, for example, companies’ websites and information from company registers or published in the media (press, online publications). We may also purchase information from market research organizations to whom you have disclosed your information for this purpose.

Your data is also processed based on your consent, for example when you subscribe to a newsletter. The data is processed for the duration of your consent. You can withdraw consent at any time, either directly via a link provided in marketing messages or by contacting us in any other way.

Website visitor analytics information consists of the data subject’s actions during the visit to the website. You can block the use of cookies and still find all the information on our website that would be used even with cookies. However, not all functions on our site may work as planned.

Our website uses cookies for visitor statistics (Google Analytics, etc.). Some of the information collected on our website is also used by Google, for example to target marketing in connection with the use of its own services. With regard to this information, they are in the position of data controller. You can read more about Google’s privacy policy here.

We will not disclose any other information you send us through the site to any third party.

Regarding visitor statistics, information is collected about the user’s terminal device, network address (IP address) and used software and their versions. With the help of this information, we can identify and count the different users who visit our site and what kind of information is sought from the pages and how the site’s services are used. The purpose is to anonymously collect statistics on the number of visitors to the page, for example in effectiveness studies of marketing campaigns. At the same time, we learn what information is most often searched for on our site, and we can use that information to develop the structure of the site in such a way that users can easily find what they are looking for.

Regarding the settings selected by the user, information is stored in the cookies, for example, in which language the user wants to use the site. In the same cookie, the user can store other choices used on the site if they wish. This way, the next time the user comes to the site, for example, the language of the site is immediately correct.

We store data for 26 months.

For more information on website advertising, see, for example, Your Online Choices.

You can delete the cookies saved by your browser in the browser settings. If you do not want to use cookies, you may not be able to fully utilize the website’s features, but it does not prevent you from using our services completely.

Below are links to delete cookies from different browsers:

Internet ExplorerFirefoxGoogle Chrome ja Safari.


In usual customer service situations, such as changes to contact and billing information and billing inquiries, you can contact the Aino Events Oy office. For more extensive information requests, you can contact our data protection officer. As a rule, it is possible to use the rights once per calendar year free of charge. If requests come from one person more than once in a calendar year, an administrative cost depending on the scope of the request will be added to the requests, for which you will receive an estimate in advance.

You have the right to get to know the personal data stored about you in the possession of Aino Tapahtumat Oy. If you wish, you can also get a copy of them for yourself. However, the right to access the information may have to be restricted due to legislation and the protection of the privacy of other persons. For example, handing over e-mail messages always requires the consent of both parties to the communication.

You have the right to request the correction of incorrect or incomplete information. An exception to this can be a situation where the previously delivered information is in some way essential, for example in connection with the contract or delivery. In this case, we do not necessarily replace old information, but add new information to the information that has become information.

You have the right to request the deletion of your data. Data can be deleted, for example, in the following cases:

  • You withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data (for example, a subscription to a newsletter), and there is no other basis for the processing.
  • You object to the processing of your data and there is no other basis for continuing the processing, e.g., for marketing communications.
  • Personal data for which we do not have the right to process by law and the need for processing ceases, we will delete ourselves without your request.

You have the right to limit the processing of your personal data, for example, in situations where you doubt the legality of the processing of personal data or you have objected to the processing of your personal data, but the clarification of the issues is still in progress.

You have the right to object to the processing of your data in a situation where the data is processed based on consent (e.g., newsletter or job application) or legitimate interest (e.g., direct marketing).

The right to transfer data from one system to another does not apply to contact information of professionals processed in business relationships between companies in cases where the processing is not based on the data subject’s consent or an agreement to which the person is a party. In any case, we do not automatically transfer your personal data anywhere – not even upon request. Cases are always individual, and the transfer always must be done manually to ensure the safety of all parties.

However, you have the right to receive the personal data you provide in a machine-readable format. The right applies to personal data that has been processed automatically based on a contract or consent.

You have the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing carried out before its withdrawal. Withdrawing your consent does not put you in an unequal position with others when it comes to using our services, and you do not lose any of your rights compared to others.

You also have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority if you suspect that your personal data is being used inappropriately or illegally. However, we hope that you will always contact us first and we will try to clear things up before they become problems. The contact information is at the beginning of this description.

Office of the Data Protection Commissioner

Visiting address:
Ratapihantie 9, 6th floor, 00520 Helsinki.

Postal address:
PO Box 800, 00521 Helsinki

Tel. 029 56 66700
Fax: 029 56 66735


Risks of data processing and protecting privacy

The most essential risk related to the system is the information you provide to us. Aino Events Oy does not collect, for example, information belonging to personal private life, but based on previous risk assessments, registrants can also save personal information as additional information, e.g., personal phone numbers, home addresses, travel plans, vacation information.

In all situations, it should be noted that we are not able to assess or control the content of the information provided to us in advance and therefore carry out special security measures. At the current level of protection, this does not cause any risks to the rights or freedoms of the data subject, due to the rather good level of protection of the systems. However, in our opinion, you should be aware of this risk.

A notification is always sent to the contractual party (contact person) about large-scale data leaks, regardless of whether the matter falls within the scope of the notification obligation or not.

The goal of the security measures of Aino Tapahtumat Oy is to secure the availability of data and information systems, to ensure their confidentiality, to ensure the integrity of the data and to minimize the damages caused by possible deviations. Protective measures are based on a risk assessment of the activity, and they are proportioned to control the protected object and the risks to it. In the processing of personal data and protection measures, the requirements of valid data protection legislation are considered.

The changes of privacy statement

Policies related to data protection may be updated. Changes will be published on this page. The changes required by the regulation and other significant changes are also communicated through other channels, such as e-mail.

More information

If you need more information, please contact us.

Cookie practices

Updated: 20.1.2023

Our site uses cookies. By pressing the “I accept cookies” button, you accept the use of cookies. Cookies make using our site easy, fast, and user-friendly. Cookies also enable the development of our business.

A cookie is a small text file that the internet browser saves on the user’s device. Cookies are placed on the user’s terminal device only with the site called by the user. Only the server that sent the cookie can later read and use the cookie. Cookies or other technologies do not damage the user’s terminal device or files, and cookies cannot be used to run programs or spread malware. The user cannot be identified using cookies alone.

Cookies are divided into subgroups: mandatory cookies, functional cookies, product development and business reporting, advertising reporting and advertising targeting. Mandatory cookies cannot be blocked. They are related to information security and enabling the website to function. Mandatory cookies do not contain identifiable personal information.

There are some third-party tools essential for the operation of the service or plugins:

  1. The embeddings of social media or video services on the websites or the sharing and liking functions of social media may collect information about users of online services, for example to recommend content or monitor the number of visitors.
  2. We use cookies from third parties such as Google and Facebook. Cookies are used to track use of our website, which can be combined with other information. If you do not allow these cookies, you will miss out on our company’s targeted advertising. With the help of cookies for the development of the service, we can track visits and traffic sources so that we can measure and improve the performance of our site.
  3. With the help of cookies, we can develop our service for the best of our customers. If you do not allow these cookies, we will not know when you have visited our site, and we will not be able to monitor its activity for you. These cookies do not contain identifiable personal information.

If you wish, you can block non-mandatory cookies or limit the use of cookies and delete already saved cookies via the cookie banner on our website. You can read more about cookies and Finland’s cookie recommendations on Traficom‘s website.

We reserve the right to update cookie policies, for example due to the development of services or mandatory legislation.