Events for the upcoming generations

Aino Arena makes a beautiful frame for your event.


Inside Arena´s wooden arches, there are over 3 200 square meters of atmospheric events space.

Organize your event in the new era’s arena in Järvenpää, where only imagination is the limit.

Arrange your event at Aino Areena

Whether your event is a small 30-person occasion or a 3,000-person staff party, our venue will transform to your needs. Arena’s main floor fits over 2 400 partygoers at the same time.

The auditorium around the Arena, Lounge and VIP-boxes on top of hundreds of guest parking spaces offer a new dimension and inspiration to the organizer of the event.

We will help you to succeed!

There has been a variety of different types of events arranged from staff parties to business seminars, big Christmas parties and fairs at Aino Arena.

Whether you wish to have free rein to organize your event or a readily planned entity with full service, our job will be to make sure that your event succeeds!

We allow our client company to freely choose their partners based on their needs and preferences. However, you are able to use our top-of-industry partners who offer technical support, production and restaurant services.

Aino Areena tapahtuma-areena Järvenpäässä Uudellamaalla

Meetings during the day – sauna in the evening

Arena’s diverse areas are great for organising meetings and seminars.

Aino Arena’s modern VIP-boxes, brand new backstage areas and Lounge for bigger groups are a great example for your staff health or strategy day.

Inside the boxes, you have high-quality meeting technology and in some of them, there are also video meeting options.

Our new backstage areas allow you to end the meeting day with a relaxed sauna evening, and during the meetings, you can challenge your coworker at snooker.

Through us, you also have the option to book activities on your meeting days, such as horseback riding or fatbike riding in the beautiful scenery of Lake Tuusula.

Together towards a carbon-neutral future

At ours, you can arrange events and meetings, and enjoy concerts responsibly all without burdening the environment. The new Aino Arena has been built ecologically with environmental impacts in mind. All of the energy we use is renewable and sustainability has been a core value in our business from the very beginning. Our goal is to be Finland’s safest and most ecological event venue.

Asiakkaamme yli tuhannen osallistujan tapahtumapäivän myötä Aino Areena lunasti paikkansa yhtenä parhaimmista suurten väkimäärien tapahtumatiloista Suomessa. Huipputasoinen ja viihtyisä hallitila, toimivat oheistilat, aivan mahtavat piha- ja parkkialueet sekä erinomainen keskeinen sijainti Uudenmaan ytimessä nostavat Areenan suurten tapahtumatilojen ehdottomaan kärkikaartiin.

Areenan oma laadukas perusvarusteisto on helposti lisättävissä toteutuksessa tarvittavilla rakenteilla, kalusteilla, somisteilla ja tekniikalla, Areenan huolto- ja takahuonetilat lienevät parasta koko maassa. Kokonaisuuden kruunaa ammattitaitoinen ja asioihin osaavasti paneutuva House Crew, jonka kanssa on suuri ilo työskennellä.

Kiitos ja kumarrus, toivottavasti tapaamme tapahtumien merkeissä mahdollisimman pian uudelleen.”

Welldone L.R. Oy, tuotantojohtaja ja CEO Markku Pesonen


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